<----CHR 14.7.07-----> My DoraBlog
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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Its about time!! =3

Ok, i noe its been MONTHS since i last touched this blog. Have been too busy *ahem* i mean lazy to blog =P And what's worse, i was spending like 10 mins infront of the screen, trying to remember the login password for my gmail acct ._."

Excuses aside, first off shall be the updates of the past few months. Hmm.. I don't really know what to say but life is really on a standstill now. Realli not much to look forward everyday coz of the "routinised" lifestyle I am, or rather, every male in sg has to go thru.. You all shld noe what i mean =P And i can't think of anything special that happened during these few months >.< I've been living like a scarecrow all this while i guess, with a body but without a mind.

Worse thing is that my unit is those veri "siao on" type of unit. So entitlements become priviliges and priviliges cease to exist! =/ 5-day work weeks dun exist in my company too. Even off oso have to pay back =_=

Looking at my friends outside going for studies, be it local or overseas, or others going to working life makes me feel so sian and jealous. After 2 yrs in army life, i tink most likely i will forget all the stuff learned in school. Ohs wells, guess there's no other choice other than to pull thru it or like what NS ppl always say, "suck thumb and do it!" Haha. Glad i have friends inside camp who are hardcore readers, super knowledgable ppl. They are my link to the outer world in camp! =D

Realli miss the school days, especially poly days! So much freedom and fun. LOLs. Also miss hanging out wif my sec skl and poly friends and all the craziness that happened in the past. Haven seen all of u guys for months. Forgive me if i need time to recognise u all when i meet u outside. =P LOL. Arrgghh, LET ME RETURN TO THE PAST!! RAWR!

Emo things aside, now for the more optimistic things.. At least i got more $$ now that i dun spend much. And oso ns keep giving extra money de. Haha. IPPT, marksman and stuff. Must go earn all of them while i still can do it!

Apart from money, another good thing in camp is that i dun have to worry about what to eat for meals! haha. Always have headache trying to decide what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner outside.

Shrugs.. 4 18am le. Guess its time to go zzz soon.

Same old way to end off: "till the next post~" =P

Doraemon is here @ 3:50 AM

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

End of BMT

Going thru the GP today marks the end of my 13 weeks in Tekong island. That is after the 24km march which left 2 big blisters and many other sore spots on my body >_<

Well, all i have to say is that the course wasn't as tough as i expected it to be. Although there are ups and downs, but i still enjoy the BMT here overall.

Gonna miss all my commanders and platoon mates especially those from my section. Lots of jokers arnd to keep me entertained everyday in camp! XD

Doraemon is here @ 11:50 PM

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Its been super long since I last updated my blog. Well, I juz finished the 6th week of my BMT today :D

With 7 more weeks to go, I just feel that time in NS really flies man. I remembered feelin' realli sian before booking in last week and now, it is over even before i noe it. Maybe its becos we are having too much slacking time in NS =P

But then again, field camp is coming up next week, so its going to be a tough time liao >< 6 days in a forest without light at night.. I dun even wanna imagine how life will be over there. And what makes me sian more isn't the field camp itself, but the fact that we have to wash ALL our equipment after coming back from the field camp. 6 days no rest already shag enuff and still have to do all these stuff -_- Haiz..

On a side note, I realised after spending a month in NS, I just cannot get used to seeing people wear clothes of many different colors other than Green, Brown, Black and white. Whenever i book out, my eyes just feels very funny when I look around =/ Wonder if it happens to anyone else.

Shall stop here for now. More updates after field camp =)

Doraemon is here @ 7:05 AM

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Officially back for the first time in 2 weeks

Finally survived the confinement period of NS. Its actually veri fast, especially the first few days. Bleh. Its realli nothing much imo. Actually, i felt that overall, the enviroment is good. And most important, the food is actually edible!! Wahahaha

For my NS life: *Inserts all the sensitive info*

Sorry, can't blog anything about the army. Must be secretive or else i will put the whole country in jeopardy =P haha.

Anyway, here is one saying for NS that i can't agree more: "Do first and ask later!"

Basically, it means u do whatever stuff or shit ur commanders tell u to do first. Do not ask them anything unless u enjoy the feeling of getting yelled, screamed, spanked etc at. Haha. After finishing the task, feel free to ask, or joke wif them =P

2 weeks out of 13 weeks over liao. 11 more weeks to go! Must perservere!! Wahahaha!

Signing off now~

Doraemon is here @ 12:33 AM

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Last day of freedom(at least wun enjoy much during the next 2 years)

Going to be a NS(National Slavery)man in 13 hours time. 2 years of my life will be wasted just like that >_<

I am gonna miss my nice mattress and pillow and of cuz all my peeps. Hopefully can see some of my friends in tekong. Hahaz.

Not sure when I will be booking out too.. Or rather, I am still wondering when my confinement will end. Hopefully it ends on the 26th sept. 2 weeks is more than enough already!! ><

To end it all, Bye Bye everyone! Time has officially frozen for me, and it won't thaw until 2 years later on the 14th sept 2010! Haha.

Signin' off now~

Doraemon is here @ 11:38 PM

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Time to update my blog before it becomes dead for good. There's still 3 weeks to my NS. And i realli wanna aim to pass Nafa test! Grrr! Can save 2 mths of my life =D

Today met up wif poly peeps Gary and Wei Keong at Bugis for lunch. Then walked all the way under the rain to kallang leisure park to watch "Meet Dave". My feet became uber wet as a result and it felt realli uncomfortable man!

As for the movie, it is realli funny at certain parts. Mostly at the beginning. In the later parts, it became more of a romantic-comedy kind of show. But overall, its still a great movie and its worth watching =D

Anyway, saw this on Cara's blog:

Starting time: 23 59

Name: Guan Chuan

Sisters: 1

Brothers: Nil

Shoe Size: 7-8

Height: 170

Where do you live: Bukit Purmei

Favourite drinks: Ice Milo, Ice Lemon Tea(not the canned ones)

Favourite breakfast: Nil

Have you ever been on a plane?: Nope =(

Swam in the ocean: Nope. If not sure drown

Fallen asleep at school: Erm.. yes ba =X oops

Broken someone’s heart: Maybe.. Maybe not..

Fell off your chair: Nope

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Nope

What is your room like: I dun even have my own room =(

What’s right beside you: Air

What is the last thing you ate: Mee pok

Ever had chicken pox: yes

Sore throat: Yes. Many times in fact -_-

Stitches: Yes

Broken nose: Nope

Do you believe in love at first sight: hard to say. But i tink its possible..

Like picnics: Nah.

Who was, were the last person you danced with: Nvr danced before =/

Last made you smile: Chris Tucker in Rush Hour 2

You last yelled at: I am veri guai. I wun shout at ppl =X

Today did you:
Talk to someone you like: Nope

Kissed anyone: Nope -_-

Get sick: Nah

Talk to an ex: Bo

Miss someone: yea..

Eat: of cuz yes. Duh! lol

Best feeling in the world: Not feeling anything is the best feeling! =D

Do you sleep with stuffed animals: Yea. Long time ago. LOL

What’s under your bed: I dun even have my own bed! Wahaha

Who do you really hate: Hmm.. No one ba. I realli dunno ><

What time is it now?: 12 00am

5 things I was doing 10 years ago

1. Studying
2. Still watching cartoon network
3. Waking up at 6am every morning
4. Leading a boring life
5. Learning how to ride a bicycle

5 things on my to-do list today:
1. Train and train for NS
2. Save more money
3. Enjoy life to the fullest now
4. Reach 1150 sp for DM and 600 sp for GF
5. Watch more movies

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Chocolates
2. Potato chips
3. Hershey's Sundae Pie
4. Donuts from the Donut factory
5. ..

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. bye bye Singapore
2. Buy a car
3. Buy DM machine at home
4. Travel to other countries
5. Take a plane!!

5 of my bad habits:
1. Conceptualize too much
2. ABC too much
3. No self-confidence
4. Always worrying
5. Being super lazy

5 places I have lived/stayed a night in:
1. Relative's place
2. Chalet
3. ..
4. ..
5. ..

5 things I will do after completing what I’m busy with:
1. Pass my Driving test
2. Get married
3. Get a stable job
4. Go overseas
5. ..

Doraemon is here @ 11:44 PM

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Movie Spree

Watched 4 movies in a week. lolz. I tink that's about my highest record.

1. Love Guru

Watched last friday wif my sec skl peeps Clemz, Mani and Junius. Well, the story is not bad and some parts are rather funny, especially the Bible part. Oops. No offence to Christians =X Haha. And of cuz Jessica Alba is still sooo hot in the film even in her hindi dressup =X LOLz.

2. The Mummy: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor

Hmm.. Watched this movie wif wei keong and my NYP peeps Vic and Wan Rong last sat.. Starting wasn't realli that nice.. Bud towards the adventure part, the story starts to build up its pace and of cuz more actions start coming up.. Especially the car and horse-drawn cart chase scene. lolz.

Overall, the story is nice. Oni that the ending is kind of lame.. -_- Jet Li seems like a mute in the film since he doesn't realli speak much, save for shouting at the top of his lungs to "motivate" his terra-cotta army.

3. Money No Enough 2

Watched on Monday wif my brozz Ricky and Guang Hui at vivo city. Sad to say, i still think money no enough 1 is nicer =( but this movie does have its funny parts too. Especially during the opening scene, where ppl are scene staging a riot due to the "EPRs" (ERP in reality).

Like the first movie, it is shown in hokkien. So for those who don't understand or speak hokkien, its best to get a friend who does to go with you. Haha. Cuz reading the subtitles alone doesn't really tell the joke. =X

4. Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Just watched today wif Wei keong at DBG cathay. Well, the only drawback of this movie is the duration. Its only an hour and 20 mins i would say.. Too short!! >_<>< I'm super broke now and have to start saving money again. Haiz..

On a side note, many thanks to Gary for treating me $10 worth of tokens as my b-dae present. I did have some achievements and also managed to pump pts with those credits XD Also many thanks to Wei keong for buying me a Nike sling bag as my b-dae present! XD and of cuz my brozz Guang Hui and Ricky for the bowling treat and food =D

You guys made my 20th Birthday so special =X LOLz!

Shall sign off right now. Till the next post~ ^_^

Doraemon is here @ 2:09 AM


Name: Lee Guan Chuan
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Astrological Sign: Leo
Zodiac Year: Dragon

Things to say abt me... I am just a normal normal guy with mediocre abilities in everything i do.. Jack of all trades but master of none.

Why bother to put up a wishlist when wishes never come true? XD

~Life of No Life`-

Created by OnePlusYou



Sleeping and DayDreaming


Crowded Places



Fook Yuen aka SamPro
Daryl aka Darlie
Tio Yong
Adam Yamada
Sing Thai


Designed by inno-minded


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